Dementia Care
We can make all the difference in the world in terms of providing and accommodating the specific needs of its residents.
Alzheimer’s Care
Our strategy is centered on focusing on enjoying the positive aspects of their life rather than worrying about the challenges they face.
Mental Health Condition Care
Sample Text adults experience mental health concerns that are not a normal part of aging we help in solving many problems with best care.
Old Age Problems Care
We provide solution to old age problems which is a unique life phase characterized by various health, cognitive, emotional, social, and financial changes.
Challenging Behaviour Care
Sample Text The relationship between epilepsy and challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disabilities is complex.
Hearing Impairment Care
Sample Text Inventory for the elderly, and the forced whisper test are inexpensive and speedy tools which can be used in general practice.
Speech Impairment Care
We do many different approaches and categories of speech therapy, and our healthcare provider will find one that works best each individual.
Stroke Care
At Westhaven Stroke care focuses on helping you recover as much function as possible and return to independent living.
Parkinson’s Disease Care
Sample Text Our health care provider may recommend lifestyle changes, especially ongoing aerobic exercise for Parkinson’s Disease.
Fresh Home Cooked Meals
Making sure that every resident has a first-class eating experience and that the menus reflect the higher standards.