Newly available over-the-counter hearing aids offer many benefits, but consumers should be aware of the potential drawbacks

U.S. retailers began selling over-the-counter hearing aids on Oct. 17, 2022, a long-awaited move that some experts predict could be a game-changer in making these devices accessible and affordable. A prescription is no longer needed, nor is a visit to a doctor or even a fitting appointment with a hearing specialist. Instead, Americans can purchase hearing aids by going online…

Innovation in digital health technologies hampered by inequities

Persistent differences exist in access to, use of and engagement with digital health technologies between communities and areas across Europe, finds a new paper, co-authored by Public Health Wales and WHO/Europe. Telephone or video consultations, electronic patient portals, and utilising electronic health records are all examples of how digital technologies can improve health care for…

This course teaches students how to connect with older adults to forge intergenerational bonds and help alleviate loneliness and isolation

Title of course “Legacy Building with Older Adults – Students Re-Humanizing Health Care” What prompted the idea for the course? In March 2020 – as the COVID-19 pandemic was causing widespread lockdowns across the U.S. – I heard from a chaplain friend about older adults who were dying in assisted living facilities and skilled nursing…